Commercial Cleaning Services
in Lincoln & Omaha
Each and every space deserves attention, no matter the purpose! We offer commercial cleaning services in Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska that will help make your public or commercial space an effective and pleasant place to be.
We offer a variety of commercial cleaning services in addition to our residential housekeeping services. These commercial cleaning services can be one-time, weekly, every other week, or monthly. Our Cleaning Ninjas put just as much attention to cleanliness and detail into an office space as they do a kitchen, ensuring that all of our work aligns with our Cleaning Ninja Code!
Please browse our commercial cleaning services to find the package that is right for you.

Construction & Remodel
Clean up after construction or remodeling can be overwhelming. Let the Ninja experts help.

Medical & Healthcare
Our Ninjas are trained in cleaning techniques, tasks, and infection prevention and control.

Office & Workspace
From medical offices to Montessori schools, we are the office cleaning experts.