The new year is the perfect time to inventory your belongings, donate unused possessions, and get rid of clutter. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s likely a great time to consider a deep clean of your home too. Make your new year’s resolution easy to achieve this year by enlisting the help of professional cleaning services in Omaha and Lincoln. In fact, setting up regular cleaning appointments is a self-renewing resolution that doesn’t require an ounce of work for you at all. And isn’t that the best kind of resolution?
The following is a look at the services we can provide here at the Cleaning Ninjas to ensure that you start off your next year of life with a house that is clean and comfortable.
Clean the Floors
Whether it’s hardwood, laminate, or tile, there’s a good chance that your floor could use a good scrub-and-shine. The Cleaning Ninjas can mop floors or even deep clean them on hands and knees if that’s what it requires. Either way, having clean floors is a great start for a cleaner home.
Wipe Out Appliances
There’s a good chance that your stove, microwave, refrigerator and even dishwasher could use a good cleaning, and not just a wipe-down of exterior surfaces but a full-blown inside-out cleaning to remove any old stains and dried scraps of food.
Scrub Out the Sink
While we’re in the kitchen, we can also turn our attention to your sink, which may need a good cleaning and sanitizing since there are more germs in your sink than anywhere else in your kitchen. We can wipe the hardware and around the edges while also making sure your sink is scrubbed and sanitized for cleanly use moving forward.
Clean the Bathrooms
One of the most common services we provide around the New Year is bathroom cleaning. It’s not the sort of job any homeowner really wants to do, which is why it’s a great idea to hire our cleaning services in Omaha.
Dust and Vacuum Everything
Finally, the most basic of house cleaning comes down to dusting and vacuuming, and we absolutely are willing and capable of doing that, as well!
We Use Eco & Pet Friendly Products
Is another one of your 2020 resolutions to be more green in your everyday life? We skip the harsh chemicals in favor of eco-friendly products that are safe to be used around your furry friends. In addition to being more gentle on the environment, they also help reinforce a healthier lifestyle for your children.
Hire Professional Cleaning Services in Omaha and Lincoln
If you’d like to start your new year the right way, contact us here at Cleaning Ninjas so we can set up a consultation and give you an estimate for the cost of your first cleaning. We will do a great job getting everything in order in a way that fits into your budget, and we’ll do it at a time of year when you’re looking for positive change. What positive change could be better than a clean house?