There are many reasons that a home or business may require the services of the professionals here at Cleaning Ninjas, but commercial and residential window cleaning certainly is one of the most meticulous and time-consuming tasks. For that reason, it should come as no surprise that this work often is best left to professionals.
Of course, it’s not just about how long it takes to clean every window in a home or business. It’s also about how well the job is done, and in a state like Nebraska, every season brings its own set of challenges in terms of keeping windows looking clean. Knowing what a headache this can be, the Cleaning Ninjas offer window cleaning services in and around Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, and we do it in a way that is efficient, green, and professional.
Cleaning All Year Long
One thing many people don’t think about when attempting to clean their own windows is that there are different approaches to cleaning windows based on the season. Anybody who washes windows professionally will admit that autumn is the easiest time all year to do it, but windows need cleaning way more than just three months per year.
For example, the winter is when windows are both the dirtiest and the least convenient to clean. Having windows open for a long time can make the home uncomfortable, and cleaning solution can sometimes freeze to the window. Even worse, using warm water on a very cold window can crack the glass, and pros will know how to keep that from happening in the colder months.
In the spring, especially if the windows have been left alone all winter, deep cleaning is often necessary. The Cleaning Ninjas not only can wash windows during this period, but also clean screens, vacuum window tracks, and clean sills with a detail brush.
As for the summer, the cleaning solution sometimes dries too quickly in the heat, and that’s where certain solutions and tools can make the job go more quickly to avoid streaks. Professionals will have access to those tools and techniques in ways that non-pros may not.
Using Green Cleaning Products
Another advantage to using the Cleaning Ninjas for your window cleaning needs is that we use green cleaning products. There are so many great ways to clean windows that don’t involve a single harmful chemical, and while we absolutely do use green products regardless of what we’re cleaning in a home or business, we like to point out that it’s also true for our window washing services.
Deep Cleaning, Inside and Out
Anybody can clean their own windows, but to enjoy yearlong, streak-free shine on both the inside and outside of the glass, a professional window cleaning service like the one provided by the Cleaning Ninjas is the way to go. It can save you time and make sure your view of the world is crystal clear from your windows! If you’d like an estimate for what window cleaning would cost for your home, give us a call and we’ll help you get your windows sparkling!